Conservative vs Liberal Federal Election Promises highlights the overview of each Federal party election platform. For a more detailed breakdown visit and

Conservative Party of Canada PlatformElection Promises:
Jobs and Job Benefits• Canada Job Surge Plan: paying up to 50% of the salary of new hires for six months following the end of CEWS.
• Double the Apprenticeship Job Creation Tax Credit for the next three years to help create more places for apprentices.
• Invest $250 million over two years to create the Canada Job Training Fund.
• Create the Working Canadian Training Loan to provide low interest loans of up to $10,000 to people who want to upgrade their skills.
• $1/hour Raise for Working Canadians
• Double the Canada Workers Benefit up to a maximum of $2,800 for individuals or $5,000 for families and pay it as a quarterly direct deposit rather than a tax refund at year-end.
• Double the disability supplement from $713 to $1,500
• Launch a Super EI that temporarily provides more generous benefits (75% of salary instead of
55%) when a province goes into recession until 3 months of successive jobs gains attained.
• Require gig economy companies to make contributions equivalent to CPP and EI premiums
• Increase EI sickness benefits from 15 to 52 weeks for those suffering from a serious illness.
• Introduce a construction mobility tax credit will allow workers to subtract up to $4,000 per year of temporary
relocation expenses (moving, temporary lodging) from taxable income.
• Modernize the Canada Labour Code with unions to provide more flexibility in working hours and working from home.
heir workers. We will also help bring women and New Canadians into the skilled trades.
• Double the Apprenticeship Job Creation Tax Credit for the next three years to help create more
places for apprentices.
• Invest $250 million over two years to create the Canada Job Training Fund. The Fund will provide
grants to organizations including employers, apprenticeship training delivery agents, unions,
post-secondary institutions, and community organizations for projects that:
° Give laid-off workers immediate access to training,
° Reach out to traditionally underrepresented groups,
° Help tourism and hospitality workers who have been hit hard by the recession,
° Support the talent needs of small businesses, and
° Otherwise help workers get the training they need – focusing on areas where there are
shortages of skilled workers.
• Create the Working Canadian Training Loan to provide low interest loans of up to $10,000 to
people who want to upgrade their skills.

• Change legislation to ensure that pensioners have priority over corporations in bankruptcy or restructuring.
• Prevent executives from paying themselves bonuses while managing a company going through restructuring if the pension plan is not fully funded.
• No longer forcing underfunded pension plans from being converted to annuities.
• Requiring companies to report the funding status of their pension plans more clearly.
Accountability and Ethics• Toughen the Conflict of Interest Act and impose higher penalties.
• Toughen the Lobbying Act to end abuse.
• Increase government transparency.
• Bring forward tough new changes to Canada’s ethics regime:
• Toughening the Conflict of Interest Act by expanding the monetary penalties to cover all violations of the Act.
• Increasing the monetary penalties in the Conflict of Interest Act from a maximum of $500 to a maximum of $50,000, with the fine to be proportionate to the severity of the offence and the offender’s history and personal net worth.
• Amend the Code of Conduct for Members of Parliament to prevent Members of Parliament from collecting speaking fees while serving in the House of Commons.
• Amend the Canada Evidence Act to ensure that Cabinet Confidence can no longer be used to shield government insiders from criminal investigation
• Give Commissioner of Information the power to make orders to departments to release information promptly
• Strengthen whistleblower protection
• Pass a Foreign Agents Registry Act requiring individuals and companies acting as agents of designated foreign principals (country, corporation, entity or individual) in a political or quasi-political capacity including lobbying, policy development, advertising, and grassroots mobilization to register.
COVID-19• Deploy rapid testing at all border entry points and airports to screen new arrivals.
• Accelerate Health Canada approvals for rapid tests approved by the UK, the US, the EU, Australia, New Zealand, Korea, and Taiwan.
• Make at-home rapid tests readily available to all Canadians.
• Immediately provide more rapid tests to provincial governments to allow them to conduct screening, particularly at schools.
• Develop a clear, evidence-based strategy for re-opening our border with clear timelines and metrics.
• Quickly close the border to travellers from hotspots where new variants are detected.
• Increase Vaccine Research, Trials & Manufacturing Capacity
• Increasing Domestic Production of Critical Supplies
• Reinstate the tariff on imported PPE
• Overhaul Canada’s National Emergency Stockpile System
• Implement New High Containment Laboratory Capacity and Infection Control Capacities
• Assign ultimate responsibility for the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)to a qualified physician – public health expert with field and front line experience
• Propose a new health agreement with the provinces and territories that boosts the annual growth rate of the Canada Health Transfer to at least 6%
• Devote $3 billion of infrastructure funding over the next three years to renovate Long-Term Care Homes
• Provide priority in immigration programs to those who can work in Long-Term Care or homecare.
Tourism and Hospitality• Provide a 50% rebate for food and non-alcoholic drinks purchased for dine-in from Monday to Wednesday for one month once it is safe to do so.
• Launch the Explore and Support Canada initiative with a 15% tax credit for vacation expenses of up to $1,000 per person for Canadians to vacation in Canada in 2022.
Small Business• Canada Investment Accelerator: getting companies spending money and creating jobs by providing a 5% investment tax credit for any capital investment made in 2022 and 2023, with the first $25,000 to be refundable for small business.
• Rebuild Main Street Tax Credit: providing a 25% tax credit on amounts of up to $100,000 that Canadians personally invest in a small business over the next two years, to get money flowing into main street businesses and create jobs.
• Main Street Business Loan: providing loans of up to $200,000 to help small and medium businesses in hospitality, retail, and tourism get back on their feet, with up to 25% forgiven
• Reform BDC to ensure that its loan programs are accessible to small businesses.
• Look for ways to make it easier to start a business and reduce the time that entrepreneurs spend dealing with government when they should be concentrating on their business.
• Ease the mortgage stress test for small business owners, contractors and other non-permanent employees including casual workers.
• Provide incentives for tax reduction of stock options for start-up employees
Energy, Mining, and AgricultureEnergy
• Eliminate impact assessment process in Bill C-69
• End the Ban on Shipping Traffic on the North Coast of British Columbia.
• Create Canadian Indigenous Enterprise Corporation based on the Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation and add $5 billion of capital investment projects.
• Implement a hydrogen energy strategy.
• Build Trans Mountain Pipeline.
• Implement federal LNG (natural gas) Export Strategy.
• Pass a Critical Infrastructure Protection Act to prevent protestors from blocking key infrastructure.
• Introduce a tax credit to rapidly accelerate the deployment of Carbon Capture, Utilization and
Storage technology in the energy sector.
• Support Newfoundland and Labrador’s Offshore Oil Industry by investing $1.5 billion in an
offshore rebound fund.

• Fix the Impact Assessment process created by Bill C-69
• Implement a Critical Minerals Strategy to reduce global reliance on China critical minerals.
• Adopt a pan-Canadian low carbon aluminum purchasing policy.
• Recover critical minerals from historical mine wastes while remediating the long-term environmental liabilities.
• Secure greater access to markets for our mining exports, including uranium exports.

• Finalize CPTPP, CETA, and reform CUSMA
• Implement Bill C-208 • Harmonize farm regulations with USA under PACA
• Modernize the Canada Grain Act and Canadian Grain Commission
• Implement an Agriculture and Agri-Food Labour Strategy
• Extend “right to repair” to farm vehicles

Economy• Maintaining or creating COVID-19 relief programs that support businesses.
• We’ll extend the Canada Recovery Hiring Program.
• Protect Canada’s tourism industry with temporary wage and rent support to help them get through the winter.
• Launch the Arts and Culture Recovery Program to match ticket sales for performing arts, live theatres, and other cultural events to make up for reduced capacity.
• Protect film and television production sector with COVID-related insurance coverage.
• Build digital infrastructure to connect all of Canada to High-Speed Internet by 2025
• Scrap the Canada Infrastructure Bank
• Direct the Canadian government to start buying from Canadian start-ups.
• Expand Trade with Free Nations
• Pursue a Canada-Australia-New Zealand-United Kingdom (“CANZUK”) agreement, conclude TISA, complete Indo-Pacific trade strategy.
• Help Canadian Companies Expand Export Sales
• Create a strategy to repatriate and diversify supply chains to move them away from China
• Withdraw from the Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank.
• Rebuild Canada’s domestic vaccine manufacturing capacity.

Lower Cellphone and Internet Bills
• Make big telecom service providers accountable for anti-competitive behaviour and practices.
• Allow foreign telecommunications companies to provide services to Canadian customers, provided that the same treatment is reciprocated for Canadian companies in that company’s country.
• Access: Build digital infrastructure to connect all of Canada to High-Speed Internet by 2025, ensuring that all Canadians have reliable access to the Internet regardless of where they live.
• Promote investment in communications facilities by local and regional communities and businesses.

• Increasing the maximum fine for price-fixing from $24 million to $100 million and introduce criminal penalties for executives for price-fixing.
• Bring in a tough code of conduct to protect suppliers and to promote grocery competition.
Children & Child Care • Convert the Child Care Expense Deduction into a refundable tax credit.
• Allow those on maternity and parental leave to earn up to $1,000 per month
• Support parents who have experienced the trauma of miscarriage by allowing them to receive three days of paid bereavement leave.
• Ensure that EI parental is extended for at least eight weeks following the death of an infant, up to eight weeks of paid leave from employment in the event of a child’s death or stillbirth.
• Supporting international adoption by working with other countries to align processes, speeding and easing the adoption process.
• Creating an EI benefit for adoptive parents, modelled on EI maternity benefits.
Banking• Bringing in legislation on open banking so that Canadians can connect with fintech companies that can give provide a better offer for banking services such as a mortgage, line of credit or credit card.
• Ordering the Competition Bureau to investigate bank fees.
• Requiring more transparency for investment management fees including requiring the banks to show investment returns net of fees.
Taxation• Implement a month-long GST holiday this fall. All purchases made at retail stores will be tax free for this month.
• Make the Taxpayer Ombudsman an officer of Parliament with order-making authority.
• Measure and report on the tax gap, in detail, by type of taxation and reason for the shortfall so that CRA resources can be allocated where the problems exist.
• Impose a duty of care (a legal obligation to a reasonable standard) on CRA.
• Launch a comprehensive review of Canada’s tax system to improve competitiveness, bring down rates and simplify the rules.
• Revise CRA’s penalties so that first-time problems or errors receive only minor fines, with increasing severity for repeat offenders.
• Create a “welcome to CRA” program and materials for new small businesses.
• Allow businesses with less than $60,000 in revenues to use simple cash accounting.
• Encourage employers to add mental health coverage to their employee benefit plans by offering a tax credit for 25% of the cost of additional mental health coverage for the first three years.
• Work towards a single income tax return for Quebec. 
• End Public company executives stock options tax loophole.
• Create a tax credit for buying from a Canadian start-up.
• Eliminate escalator tax on alcohol.
• Increasing the maximum a parent can claim under the Adoption Expense Tax Credit from $15,000 to $20,000 and making the credit refundable.
• Make it easier to qualify for the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) and the RDSP, which provides up to $3,500 per year in matching grants for Canadians with disabilities.
• Amend the Home Accessibility Tax Credit by increasing the limit from $10,000 per dwelling to $10,000 per person.
• Allowing seniors or their caregivers, including their children, to claim the Medical Expense Tax Credit for home care.
• Make foreign tech companies pay tax representing 3% of their gross revenue in Canada if they don’t pay corporate income tax in Canada.
Forestry & FisheriesForests
• Resolve the Softwood Lumber Dispute with the United States.
• Establish a Task Force on the Woodland Caribou.
• Increase funding to control pest species in national parks and federal lands.
• Invest in remote sensing and other technology that will improve the early detection of wildfires.
• Prioritize stock assessments, stock recovery planning and enforcement of science-based.

• Strengthen the role of advisory bodies in fisheries management to enhance cooperation between resource users and ensure that commercial, recreational, and cultural fishers.
• Work collaboratively with Indigenous rights-holders and commercial harvesters to develop management plans.
• Improve the Marine Protected Area (MPA) designation processes.
• Work with stakeholders, First Nations, and regional jurisdictions to implement ecosystem-based fisheries management.
• Update and strengthen DFO’s national aquatic invasive species program.
• Address illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, seafood fraud and ghost gear.
• Restore community-based conservation initiatives like the Recreational Fisheries Conservation Partnerships Program.
• Create a Canadian Seafood Development Agency.
• Work with governments and communities in Nunatsiavut, Nunavut, Nunavik, and the Inuvialuit Settlement Region to develop community-based marine fisheries.
• Double funding for small craft harbours.
• Develop a Pacific Salmon Strategy toward restoring at-risk stocks.
• Develop Aquaculture industry strategy based on robust science, guided by conservation.
Housing• Implement comprehensive changes to the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act, and give FINTRAC, law enforcement, and prosecutors the tools necessary to identify, halt, and prosecute money-laundering in Canadian real estate markets
• Establish a federal Beneficial Ownership Registry for residential property.
• Closely examine the findings and recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry into Money Laundering in British Columbia, which is doing important work, and quickly implement recommendations at the federal level.
• Ban foreign investors not living in or moving to Canada from buying homes here for a two year period after which it will be reviewed.
• Encourage foreign investment in purpose-built rental housing that is affordable to Canadians.

• Re-implement the Housing First approach to aid in the fight against Canada’s addictions crisis.
• Revise the federal government’s substance abuse policy framework to make recovery its overarching goal.
• Invest $325 million over the next three years to create 1,000 residential drug treatment beds and build 50 recovery community centres across the country.
• Support innovative approaches to address the crises of mental health challenges and addiction, such as land-based treatment programs developed and managed by Indigenous communities as part of a plan to enhance the delivery of culturally appropriate addictions treatment and prevention services in First Nations communities with high needs.
Health Care• Propose to the provinces that they partner with us by dedicating a significant portion of the stable, predictable health funding to mental health to ensure that an additional million Canadians can receive mental health treatment every year;
• Create a pilot program to provide $150 million over three years in grants to non-profits and charities delivering mental health and wellness programming.
• Create a nationwide three-digit suicide prevention hotline.
• Meet with the Premiers within the first 100 days of forming government to propose a new health agreement with the provinces and territories
• Invest $325 million over the next three years to create 1,000 residential drug treatment beds and build 50 recovery community centres across the country.
• Support innovative approaches to address the crises of mental health challenges and addiction.
• Support programs developed and managed by Indigenous communities as part of a plan to enhance the delivery of culturally appropriate addictions treatment and prevention services in First Nations communities with high needs.
• Partner with the provinces to ensure that Naloxone kits are available for free across Canada.

Medical Assistance in Dying
• Reinstate the ten-day waiting period to make sure somebody does not make this decision at their lowest point.
• Restore the requirement for two fully independent witnesses to ensure that a vulnerable person is not being forced or coerced.
• Require that any discussion of MAID only occur if raised by the patient and prevent healthcare workers from suggesting it to someone who is not seeking it.
• Repealing the Bill C-7 provision allowing MAID for those with mental health challenges. Require any patient receiving MAID to be informed/reminded immediately before receiving it and given the opportunity to withdraw consent.
Environment• Reach the target of protecting 17% of Canada’s land and water and work towards 25% goal.
• Restore funding for the National Wetland Conservation Fund and the Recreational Fisheries Conservation Partnership Program.
• Support Wetlands and Watershed Protection via completion of the Canadian Wetland Inventory
• Funding for watershed protection.
• Create incentive for agriculture and forestry sectors to protect the environment and sequester carbon by allowing for greater creation of land-based offset credits.
• Invest an additional $3 billion between now and 2030 in natural climate solutions focused on management of forest, crop and grazing lands and restoration of grasslands, wetlands, and forests.
• End Raw Sewage Dumping.
• Reinstate the Lake Simcoe Clean-Up Fund.
• Ban the export of plastic waste.
• Work with provinces to meet Paris climate commitment and reduce emissions by 2030.
• Work with provinces to implement an innovative, national, Personal Low Carbon Savings Account
• Scrap the consumer carbon tax backstop starting at $20/tonne and increasing to $50/tonne but no further.
• Introducing a zero emission vehicle mandate based on British Columbia’s, requiring 30% of light duty vehicles sold to be zero emissions by 2030.
• Working with the Biden administration to strengthen vehicle emission standards in North America.
• Investing in transmission infrastructure to ensure that electricity grid can support the growth in electric vehicles.
• Investing a billion dollars in building out electric vehicle manufacturing in Canada.
• Investing a billion dollars in deploying hydrogen technology including hydrogen vehicles.
• Requiring that every building where the federal government has employees or offers services to the public and provides parking to have a charging station by 2025.
• Introduce a Renewable Natural Gas Mandate, based on British Columbia’s policy, requiring 15% of downstream consumption to be renewable by 2030.
• Invest a total of $5 billion in Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS).
• Introduce a tax credit to rapidly accelerate the deployment of CCUS technology in the energy sector.
• Invest an additional $3 billion between now and 2030 in natural climate solutions focused on management of forest, crop and grazing lands and restoration of grasslands, wetlands, and forests.
• Introduce Carbon Border Tariffs for major polluter countries and exempt countries with comparable mechanisms to Canada.
• Develop a National Clean Energy Strategy
• Provide a regulatory and financial framework that will facilitate Energy Savings Performance Contracting (ESPC).
• Develop a Net Zero Foundations program to begin putting in place the building blocks required to meet net zero goals.
• Work with provinces, territories, and applicable utilities to put in place a Residential Building Retrofit Initiative.
• Create an accelerated Impact Assessment process for projects that will reduce GHG emissions.
• Invest a billion dollars in Small Modular Reactors, to get this zero emissions source of electricity and heat to the point that it starts to be deployed across the country, including in the oilsands.
• Study the potential for introducing new taxes on frequent flyers, non-electric luxury vehicles and luxury second homes to deter activities that hurt the environment.
Public Safety• Amend the Criminal Code so that it is an aggravating factor on sentencing for assault where the victim is in a domestic or dependent relationship with the person.
• Adding a provision to the Criminal Code that specifies the offence is an indictable offence and provides for a mandatory minimum penalty of two years where the Crown can show that an offence of assault, assault with a weapon or causing bodily harm, or aggravated assault is part of a pattern of conduct with the victim, with the Crown required to give notice before trial of its
intention to seek this elevated sentence.
• Prohibiting those under peace bond or the subject of a protective order from possessing a “firearm, crossbow, prohibited weapon, restricted weapon, prohibited device, ammunition, prohibited ammunition or explosive substance, or all such thing”.
• Enacting Clare’s Law so that when police investigate a complaint of alleged domestic violence, they are required to notify the victim of the suspect’s relevant criminal history.
• Expanding the Canada Child Benefit by $500 per month per child for the first year and $250 per month per child for the second year for women with children living in women’s shelters.
• Tackle Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation through Criminal Code Updates.
• Provide $100 million over five years to support training for non-provincial police forces in the
areas of: Sexual exploitation, Cyber-security and online offences; and Investigation of sexual offences.
• Double funding for the Security Infrastructure Program
• Banning Puppy Mills
• Banning cosmetic testing on animals
• Providing $10 million per year to train judges and prosecutors on the links between violence against animals and violence against people.
National Interest• Repeal Bill C-10
• Create a new Canadian Heritage Preservation Fund to provide a total of $75 million in grants to municipal governments over the next five years for the repair and restoration of historical monuments, statues, and heritage buildings.
• Mandate a Minister of National Security & Public Safety.
• Protect Canadian democracy from foreign interference through permanent task force.
• Pass a Foreign Agents Registry Act and make it an offence for any entity that has spent more than $100,000 in a calendar year on
political activity of any kind (federal, provincial, or municipal) to receive foreign donations
of any amount.
• Amend the Elections Act to Prohibit any entity that receives more than 2.5% of its total donations from foreign
sources during the year before the writ period from advertising during the writ period or during the pre-election period and create a positive obligation to trace all funds expended by an entity during a writ period to Canadian sources.
• Implement legislation to deter and sanction the use of innocent civilians as human shield.
• Ending harassment and discrimination and making the CAF a better workplace
• Addressing the challenges of deployments and postings
• Prioritizing recruitment and retention, including an emphasis on retraining and skills
development to allow those willing to serve to continue to do so.
• Working with provincial governments to develop comprehensive job protection legislation that shields reservists who leave their day job to deploy.
• Reviving the Regular Officer Training Program (ROTP) at civilian universities to provide educational opportunities for youth serving their country.
• Harmonizing trade training in the Armed Forces with Red Seal Qualifications so that military service becomes an incubator for skilled workers who can transition easily and productively to the civilian economy
• Finish standing-up a properly funded, equipped, and staffed Canadian Armed Forces Cyber Command to defend Canada from cyber-attacks.
• Emphasize reserve participation in CAF Cyber Command.
• Establish closer collaboration between the private sector cyber industry and CAF Cyber
• Develop capabilities for cyber operations.
Arctic Sovereignty
• Expand the Canadian Rangers in number and mandate while making investments in their preparedness, equipment, and training.
• Refurbish and expand our RCAF Forward Operation Locations and allow civil airport authorities to co-locate and utilize runways.
• Complete the Nanisivik Naval Facility on Baffin Island and develop a new Arctic naval base at Churchill, Manitoba that will make the Arctic more accessible to the Navy year-round and provide joint operation of these ports with local communities.
• Deploy new autonomous vehicles for Arctic surveillance operations in the air and at sea as part of a new Canadian sovereignty, deterrence, and detection strategy.
• Expand the RadarSat constellation and launch more low earth orbit satellites for telecommunications and defence in the Arctic.
Modernizing NORAD
• Enhance the North Warning System as part of NORAD and extend it to protect the entire Canadian Arctic, including our Arctic archipelagoes.
• Increasing spending on national defence to move closer to our 2% aspirations.
• Expanding Canada’s contribution to NATO Baltic Sea Air Policing and NATO’s Enhanced Forward Presence in Latvia.
• Intensifying Operation UNIFIER, Canadian Armed Forces’ military training and capacity-building mission in Ukraine, supplying Ukraine with lethal weapons, and reinstating the provision of RadarSat imagery.
• Creating a NATO Centre of Excellence for Arctic Defence at the Resolute Bay CAF Training Centre to enhance cooperation and interoperability with allies.
• Ensuring active Canadian participation in NATO training missions and NATO Centers of Excellence in the areas of Cybersecurity, Strategic Communications, and Energy Security
Armed Forces
• Fast-track the selection of a new fighter jet to replace our aging CF-18s through the current open competition and get the new fighter fleet into service as quickly as possible.
• Remain committed to the National Shipbuilding Strategy by proceeding with the Canadian Surface Combatants, icebreakers, Joint Supply Ships, and Coast Guard vessels.
• While awaiting the completion of the two Joint Supply Ships, order the Obelix from Chantier Davie to complement the Asterix and make Davie a full participant in the National Shipbuilding Strategy.
• Begin the process to replace our aging Victoria-class submarines.
• Procure two armed, heavy icebreakers for the Royal Canadian Navy to contribute to our efforts to “own our north” in the face of increased Russian and Chinese Arctic activity.
• End the two benefit systems – Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) – and replace them with one streamlined system of benefits from enlistment through service and retirement.
• Ensure financial security & transition support for injured Veterans and their families.
• Streamline benefit adjudication & set performance targets.
• Allow veterans and their families to direct their care and rehabilitation.
• Insist on care, compassion, and respect in every aspect of veteran services.
• Ensure that the benefits system is focused not only on compensation but on helping veterans build meaningful careers through partnerships with universities, colleges, and businesses.
International Security
• Establish a Canadian National Interest Council to implement our long-term security and economic priorities and grow Canadian strategic and economic influence.
• Update the 2017 defence policy investing in Canadian leadership in the Five Eyes alliance, and strengthening ties with new and traditional allies.
• In cooperation with our Five Eyes allies, build Canadian capabilities to contribute to foreign intelligence – focused on closing present gaps in understanding international threats of economic coercion, digital threats, and foreign interference.
Indigenous Peoples• Develop a comprehensive plan to implement TRC Calls to Action 71 through 76.
• Fund the investigation at all former residential schools in Canada where unmarked graves may exist, including the sites where children have already been discovered.
• Ensure that proper resources are allocated for communities to reinter, commemorate, and honour any individuals discovered through the investigation, according to the wishes of their next of kin.
• Develop a detailed and thorough set of resources to educate Canadians of all ages on the tragic history of residential schools in Canada.
• Build a national monument in Ottawa that honours residential school survivors and all the children who were lost.
• Provide $4 million over three years in targeted funding for the hiring and training of local and
regional economic development officers.
• Commit $25 million to a national police support and community training program to reduce the
incarceration rates of Canada’s Indigenous communities.
• Creating the Canadian Indigenous Opportunities Corporation that will support First Nations and Inuit organizations seeking to purchase an equity stake in major projects. and will provide an initial $5 billion of capital for investment in projects across the country.
• Recognize safe drinking water as a fundamental human right and end long-term drinking water advisories.
• Provide $1 billion over five years to boost funding for Indigenous mental health and drug treatment programs.
• Double the residency deduction.
Immigration• Creating an efficiency mechanism, where those waiting for their application to be reviewed can pay a fee for expedited processing.
• Increasing the capacity of the Immigration and Refugee Board to hear asylum claims
• Update Visitor Visa System to modernize and enhance the immigration processing
• Replace the family reunification lottery t with a system combining a first-come, first served principle with weighting to prioritize applicants on criteria such as providing child care or family support, and language proficiency
• Expand the Super Visa program.
• Make the Rainbow Refugee Assistance Project a permanent government program
• Work with Canadian communities to create a specific program to allow direct private sponsorship of persecuted religious and sexual minorities.
• Close the loophole in the Safe Third Country Agreement to end illegal border crossings. deploy Immigration and Refugee Board • • Send judges to common arrival points to expedite asylum hearings in straightforward cases.
Quebec• Build digital infrastructure to connect all of Québec to high-speed internet by 2025
• Work in partnership with the Government of Québec in promoting the Saint-Laurent Project, a
maritime strategy for Quebec’s economic development comprising the creation of ten innovation
• Adopt a government purchasing policy on low carbon footprint materials, including low-carbon
• Adopt a pan-Canadian low carbon aluminum purchasing policy.
• Deploy new autonomous vehicles for Arctic surveillance operations in the air and at sea as part of a new Canadian sovereignty, deterrence, and detection strategy, with Bagotville as the main site to host the Government of Canada’s remotely piloted aircraft.
• Strengthen maritime safety by renewing our fleet of icebreakers in partnership with the Davie
shipyard, to be designated as a full partner within the National Shipbuilding Strategy.
• Provide financial assistance to ensure that smaller regional airports remain open and that routes
to remote and rural areas continue to operate.
• Invest $100m in a specific regional development funding program to support the economic transition of former mining communities.
• Ensure rapid compensation of victims of Pyrrhotite.
• Implement a Critical Minerals Strategy.
• Work with the Government of Québec to apply the French Language Charter to federally regulated businesses operating in Québec.
• Table, within our first 100 days in government, legislation modernizing the Official Languages Act.
• Create a new $30 million per year budgetary envelope to provide federal funding to minority francophone post-secondary institutions.
• Increase support for francophone primary and elementary education via the Official Languages in Education Program.
• Increase francophone immigration outside Québec to ensure that the demographic weight of francophone minorities will be maintained.
• Adopt an official French version of the 1867 British North America Act, for which only the English version currently has official status.
Sourced from
Liberal Party of Canada PlatformElection Promises:
COVID-19• Introduce a COVID-19 Proof of Vaccination Fund that will be available to support provinces and territories who implement a requirement for proof-of-vaccine credentials in their jurisdiction for non-essential businesses and public spaces.
• Procure enough vaccines so all Canadians can access a free booster shot if they need one
• Invest in research to study the long-term health impacts of COVID-19.
• Require a vaccine mandate for federal public servants plus for employees of federally regulated air, rail and marine transportation sectors as well as commercial passengers on planes, interprovincial trains and overnight marine vessels.
• Support vaccine mandates in provinces and territories through a $1 billion COVID-19 Proof of Vaccine fund.
• Procure and distribute for free COVID-19 booster shots and next-generation vaccines.
• Invest $100 million in the study of “long COVID,” especially for vulnerable groups such as children.
• Allocate up to $375 million to our international COVID-19 response, especially health issues in developing nations
• Give $2.2 billion over seven years to build and expand the life sciences sector including $60 million for the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization and $45 million to the Stem Cell Network.
• Support large airports invest in COVID-19 testing infrastructure with $82.5 million
• Help the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority improve screening practices to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 with $271 million.
Support for Seniors• Restoring the retirement age to 65 from 67.
• Increasing the GIS for 900,000 seniors and lifting about 57,000 out of poverty.
• Providing more than $900 for single seniors and $1,500 for senior couples, on top of regular benefits, for low-income seniors to get through the pandemic.
• Increase the Guaranteed Income Supplement by $500 for single seniors and $750 for senior couples.
• Train up to 50,000 new personal support workers and raise their wages, with a guaranteed minimum wage of at least $25 per hour
• Double the Home Accessibility Tax Credit to provide up to an additional $1,500.
Build Back Better• Help Canadians get your down payment faster, or rent to own.
• Get over 1.4 million families into new homes.
• Crack down on predatory practices.
• Ask financial institutions to do more to help Canadians become homeowners.
• Raise corporate income tax rates through Canada Recovery Dividend.
Housing Plan• Introduce First Home Savings Accounts for Canadians under 40 to save up to $40,000 toward their first house; deposits and withdrawals are tax-free.
• Give $1 billion in grants and loans to develop rent-to-own projects.
• Add the option of a deferred mortgage loan to the First Time Home Buyer Incentive.
• Reduce the price of home insurance by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. by 25 per cent
• Double the Home Buyers Tax Credit to $10,000.
• Spend $2 billion on Indigenous housing
• “Build, preserve or repair” 1.4 million homes in four years, including more than doubling the funding to the National Housing Co-investment fund to $2.7 billion over four years and introducing a Multigenerational Home Renovation tax credit for families adding secondary units for relatives.
• Introduce a Home Buyers’ Bill of Rights that will ban blind bidding, create a legal right to a home inspection and ban new foreign ownership of homes for two years.
• Introduce a national tax of one per cent annually on the value of non-resident, non-Canadian owned residential real estate that is vacant or underused
• $2.5 billion and reallocate $1.3 billion in existing funding to help build, repair or support 35,000 housing units.
• Reallocate $300 million from the Rental Construction Financing Initiative to help convert excess commercial property to rental housing.
Health Care• Provide $3 billion to improve long-term care homes.
• Provide $4 billion to help provinces and territories clear health-care system backlogs and wait lists caused by the pandemic.
• Help hire at least 7,500 nurses, nurse practitioners and family doctors.
• Work with provinces and territories to expand virtual health services.
• Increase wages of personal support workers in the long-term care sector to a minimum of $25 an hour
• Support Indigenous-led mental health and wellness services with $597.6 million over three years.
• Aid trauma and PTSD programs for populations at highest risk of COVID-19 trauma with $50 million over two years.
• Provide $100 million over three years to Public Health Agency of Canada for mental health projects aimed at helping populations most impacted by COVID-19, including frontline workers and racialized Canadians.
• Add $250 million over three years for expanded clinical research through the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Clinical Trials Fund.
• Address antimicrobial resistance by giving $28.6 million over five years to the Public Health Agency of Canada, Health Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.
• Honour the 100th anniversary of the discovery of insulin with a Diabetes Challenge Prize of $10 million over five years for novel approaches to prevention, testing and risks, as well as $25 million over five years for research into diabetes.
• Implement a Clinical Trials Fund with $250 million over three years to the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, as well as $30 million over two years to fund pediatric cancer research.
• Support people dealing with problematic substance use by adding $116 million over two years to the Substance Use and Addictions Program.
• Establish a National Institute for Women’s Health Research with $20 million over five years.
• Support the creation of a national autism strategy with $15.4 million over two years.
• Construct eight plasma collection sites across country, with $20 million over three years.
• Provide better palliative and end-of-life care with $29.8 million over six years, and ensure the medical-assistance-in-dying framework is implemented consistently with $13.2 million over five years.
Taxation• Make the financial institutions with earnings of more than $1 billion pay more by increasing their income tax rates from 15 to 18 per cent.
• Create a Canada Recovery Dividend for the largest financial firms, which have “recovered faster and stronger than many other industries.”
• Tax vacant properties of non-residents.
• Create a luxury tax on new cars and private aircraft (worth at least $100,000, excluding motorcycles, racing cars, motor homes, farm vehicles etc.) and pleasure boats (at least $250,000).
• Reduce the tax rates of zero-emission technology firms by 50 per cent (See Environment).
• Investment tax credit for capital in carbon capture projects with a goal of reducing emissions by at least 15 megatonnes of carbon dioxide annually.
• Change the Climate Action Incentive payment from an annual refundable credit to a quarterly payment.
• Update the assessments for the Disability Tax Credit, so that an estimated 45,000 additional people will qualify.
• Implement a Digital Services Tax of three per cent on revenue of digital services from Canadian users for businesses with revenues exceeding the an OECD-set threshold of 750 million euros.
• Reduce the amount of interest that can be deduced by certain businesses from 40 per cent of earnings in the first year, and then to 30 per cent, to limit excessive deductions by large corporations.
• Eliminate the tax benefits of so-called hybrid-mismatch arrangements, used largely by multinationals, which should increase revenues by $775 million over four years.
• Strengthen the Canadian Revenue Agency’s ability to combat complex tax schemes; amend the Income Tax Act to combat tax collection avoidance schemes. 
Economy• Establish a $15 per hour federal minimum wage, that will rise with inflation; if lower than provincial or territorial minimum wages, then higher rates prevail.
• Increase the income level at which the Canada Workers Benefit starts to be reduced to $22,944 for individuals, and $26,177 for families. The tax refund is up to $2,400.
• Make it easier for Canadians to find unclaimed federal assets.
• Make Employment Insurance simpler and more accessible, including uniform access to benefits across regions, with $3.9 billion over three years.
• Implement the “right to repair” for home appliances, electronics and digital devices.
• Help the aerospace sector recover from the pandemic with $250 million over three years.
• Allow Canadian-controlled private firms to immediately expense up to $1.5 million of eligible investments in each of the next three years, which will reduce federal revenues by $2.2 billion over five years.
• Renew the Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy with up to $443.8 million over 10 years, including fund to commercialize AI innovations and attract academic talent.
• Launch a National Quantum Strategy with $360 million over seven years.
• Provide $400 million for a temporary Community Services Recovery Fund to help charities and non-profits with economic recovery.
• Start the Regional Development Agency for British Columbia, with $553.1 million over five years.
• Give $100 million to the Supporting Black Canadian Communities Initiative.
Environment• Implement a strengthened Freshwater Action Plan to protect and restore large lakes and river systems, modernize the 50-year-old Canada Water Act, establish a Canada Water Agency to coordinate the management of Canada’s freshwater with our provinces and territories; and invest in freshwater research.
• Cut pollution by building a net-zero electricity grid and ending thermal coal exports, create cleaner communities by making it easier and more affordable to own a zero-emission vehicle, and create new jobs in the clean economy

Keep plastic out of our environment, cut waste, and create 42,000 jobs by:
• Ending plastic pollution by 2030.
• Collecting and recycling more plastic beverage bottles; Requiring all plastic packaging to be 50% recycled plastic by 2030.
• Making producers responsible for recycling plastic waste.

Fighting Wildfires and Adapting to a Changing Climate
• Train 1,000 new community-based firefighters and help provide them the equipment they need.
• Help Canadians make their homes more resilient from the impacts of climate change.
• Partner with the private sector to innovate climate adaptation, including by lowering insurance premiums.
Climate Change • Promote zero-emission vehicles by providing $5,000 toward the purchase of such a car for more than 500,000 Canadians; require more than half of passenger vehicles sold be zero emission by 2030 and 100 per cent by 2035; build 50,000 more zero-emission vehicle chargers.
• Implement a Low-Carbon Fuel Procurement Program for the federal government, with $227.9 million over eight years.
• Build a net-zero electricity grid by 2035.
• Phase out thermal coal exports by 2030.
• Recycle plastic bottles through deposit-return systems with a target of 90 per cent by 2029.
• Require all plastic packaging contain 50 per cent recycled material by 2030; make producers of waste responsible for collecting and recycling.
• Create a “census of the environment” to monitor trends, with $25.6 million over five years to Statistics Canada.
• Invest $5 billion over seven years in the Net Zero Accelerator to help companies reduce emissions
• Aid clean energy technology projects (See Energy)
• Reduce by 50 per cent the corporate and small business income tax rates for firms that manufacture zero-emission technologies.
• Train 1,000 new community-based firefighters and purchase equipment because of extreme weather events.
• Provide $2.3 billion over five years to achieve the 2025 target of protecting 25 per cent of the nation’s area, plus $976.8 million to meet the same goal in the oceans
• Protect old growth forests in British Columbia by reaching an agreement with the province to expand those areas and through a $50 million B.C. Old Growth Nature Fund.
• Establish a Natural Infrastructure Fund for natural spaces and crossings to support biodiversity, such as in Toronto’s ravines, with $200 million over three years.
• Change the Climate Action Incentive payment to a quarterly payment (See Taxes).
Return to farmers in “backstop” jurisdictions—including Alberta and Ontario—an estimated $100 million from the price of pollution.
• Issue federal green bonds, with a target of $5 billion, to fund projects such as conservation and green infrastructure.
• Improve the commercial viability of carbon capture, utilization and storage technologies, with $319 million over seven years.
• Help homeowners undertake energy efficiency upgrades through interest-free loans of up to $40,000, through giving $4.4 billion over five years to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.
• Enhance wildlife preparedness in national parks with $100.6 million over five years, plus another $28.7 million to map areas in northern Canada at risk of wildfires.
• Stabilize and conserve wild Pacific salmon and create a Pacific salmon secretariat and restoration centre of expertise with $647.1 million over five years.
• Invest $1 billion over 10 years to fully meet the country’s obligations under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement.
• Update the Canada Water Act to address Indigenous water rights, climate change and other issues.
• Have Crown corporations with at least $1 billion in assets report their climate-related financial risks as part of their corporate reporting as of 2022, with smaller organizations having until 2024.
Business• Maintaining or creating COVID-19 relief programs that support businesses and our hardest hit sectors.
• We’ll extend the Canada Recovery Hiring Program
• Protect Canada’s tourism industry with temporary wage and rent support to help them get through the winter.
• Launch the Arts and Culture Recovery Program to match ticket sales for performing arts, live theatres, and other cultural events to make up for reduced capacity.
• Protect film and television production sector with COVID-related insurance coverage.
Small Business• Provide $1.4 billion over four years to provide microgrants for small business technology needs and link young people to smaller businesses who need such tech help.
• Amend the Canada Small Business Financing Program to expand eligibility for those who can get loans and increase the loan amount, which will cost $560 million annually.
• Strengthen access by women entrepreneurs to financing, mentorship and training with $146.9 million over four years.
• Add $51.7 million over four years to agency funding for the Black Entrepreneurship Program.
• Create ElevateIP, to help innovators access expert intellectual property services, with $90 million over two years, and another $75 million over three years for a similar Industrial Research Assistance Program for high-growth firms.
• Design and deliver training, especially to small and medium-sized businesses, with $960 million over three years.
• Invest $1 billion to help the tourist industry recover from the pandemic, including supporting festivals, theatres and amateur sports events.
• Increase capital available to entrepreneurs by adding $450 million over five years to the Venture Capital Catalyst Initiative.
• Modernize federal procurement and create more opportunities for businesses managed or owned by Indigenous and Black people, for $87.4 million over five years.
Employment Benefits• Introduce 10 days of paid sick leave for all federally regulated workers.
Immigration• Resettle 20,000 Afghans threatened by the Taliban, including women leaders, human rights workers, LGBTI individuals, family of previously resettled interpreters.
• Amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act to give the minister the authority to help select permanent resident candidates who best meet the needs of the labour market.
• Develop a digital platform to replace the Global Case Management System for the immigration system as of 2023, spending $428.9 million over five years.
• Fund migrant worker-centric programs and services, with $49.5 million over three years.
• Increase workplace inspections and ensure rights of temporary foreign workers are respected, spending $54.9 million over three years.
Indigenous Peoples • Build housing for Indigenous communities with $2 billion over four years, including more than 50 per cent of that funding available for the 2022 construction season.
• Support access to trauma-informed, Indigenous-led mental health and wellness services, for $2 billion over five years, including renewing funding of the Indian Residential Schools Health Supports Program and Crisis Line.
• Manage the health impacts of climate change on First Nations and Inuit communities, including impacts of extreme weather events, with $125.2 million over four years.
• Provide more than $6 billion over five years to support infrastructure maintenance and construction in Indigenous communities, as well as continue First Nations’ community access to clean water and services with $125.2 million over four years. (source)
• Invest in Indigenous early learning and child care with $1.4 billion over five years, including $264 million to repair and renovate existing centres and $420 million to build new ones.
• Increase the hiring of nurses and other medical professionals in isolated First Nations communities, at a cost of $354 million over five years.
• Reduce travel costs for Northerners without employer benefits by allowing claims of up to $1,200 in eligible expenses, for a cost of $125 million over five years.
• Expand the Aboriginal Entrepreneurship Program to support Indigenous-led businesses and communities, with an investment of $42 million over three years; invest $22 million over three years to increase the number of Indigenous women entrepreneurs.
• Invest an additional $2.2 billion over five years to build a safer and more inclusive society, in response to the national tragedy of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls, including $275 million to support Indigenous peoples’ reclamation of Indigenous languages and $126.7 million to promote health systems free of racism and discrimination.
• Provide $12.4 million over five years to Canadian Heritage to honour the survivors of residential schools and commemorate their legacy.
• Develop an Indigenous data governance strategy so as to unmask inequalities and ensure effective program deliveries with $81.5 million over three years.
• Negotiate agreements with interested Indigenous governments to enable them to raise tax revenues on their lands.
Create opportunities in federal procurement for Indigenous and Black businesses
Governance• Modernize the federal unclaimed assets regime by making it easier for Canadians to be matched with their unclaimed assets, such as bank accounts, and expanding it to include terminated federally regulated pension plans as well as bank accounts in foreign denominations.
• Update the Fiscal Stabilization Program for provinces facing sudden drops in revenues that will nearly triple the maximum payment to $170 per person, as of 2019-20.
• Give Statistics Canada $41.3 million over six years to improve its data collection on supportive care, primary care, and pharmaceuticals, as well as update its infrastructure; and $25.6 million over five years to create a Census of the Environment; and $172 million over five years to implement a plan to fill data gaps.
• Reduce internal trade barriers and work toward a repository of accessible internal trade data to identify barriers, including licensing, at a cost of $21 million over three years.
• Strengthen the Competition Bureau’s enforcement capabilities with $96 million over five years.
• Create a Data Commissioner to ensure personal data is used responsibly, at a cost of $17.6 million over five years, and provide $8.4 million over five years to the Standards Council of Canada for industry-wide data standards.
Agriculture• Launch an on-farm climate scheme for projects including improving nitrogen management and cover cropping, with $200 million over two years.
• Start the Canada Water Agency, including supporting irrigation infrastructure
• Help the wine sector adapt to emerging challenges, including Canada’s changing trade commitments, with $101 million over two years.)
• Add another $292.5 million to help processors of supply-managed agricultural products adapt to new trade rules. 
Child Care• $10 a day child care for all Canadian families.
• In Quebec, where child care is already affordable, work with the province to create more spaces and improve working conditions for educators.
Sourced from: and Federal budget


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