Canadian Fighter Mike Malott’s debut into the UFC couldn’t have been more successful on Saturday. The Ontario fighter and veteran welterweight Mickey Gall battled in a wild flurry of punches. Ultimately Malott was too much to handle for Gall as he was knocked out cold by the rising Canadian UFC star.
In a beautiful, heartwarming display the Canadian UFC champ took on another opponent last night. Malott asked the viewers in joining him helping him fight an even greater battle. Malott, whose friends’ 15 year old daughter is battling with stage 3 lymphoma.
Malott was the lowest paid fighter on the card and took home $10,000 for his impressive win which he immediately donated to Joey Rodriguez is the Head Boxing Coach for Team Alpha Male in Sacramento, California. He directed the UFC fans to his Instagram account where the overnight Canadian hero said others could make a donation too.
If I can please direct you to my Instagram or look at my bio, someone very close to me. His daughter was diagnosed with cancer his 15 year old daughter stage three lymphoma if you can please make a donation. I’m going to donate my show money from tonight. $10,000 to this foundation of this beautiful family make it through this time and kick cancer.
Mike Malott, UFC Fighter
People looking to support the cause can visit Malott’s Instagram or directly donate here.